Active Members, Maximum Impact

Our goal is to get every one of our members involved in Leawood Rotary to the capacity that they are able to be involved.  Utilizing the individual talents and passions of our membership will enable Leawood Rotary to produce the greatest impact for our community, both locally and abroad.  Below you will be able to click on each of the Committees to learn more about what they do and who is currently involved.  Please, reach out to these leaders to learn more about each committee and how you can get involved.

Community Outreach


Community Service   

Responsible for coordinating service projects.  Identifying the local charity events the club will support.  Coordinating club fundraising events (Leawood Rotary's Labor Day 5k).  Raising awareness of the great charitable organizations in Kansas City.



Responsible for identifying and coordinating club service opportunities abroad.  Spearheads fundraising for international charitable needs.  Raising awareness of the great charities the club may support internationally.



   International Service


Youth Services   


The Leawood Rotary Club and Rotary International are supported 100% by every member of our club. With this support we receive ,in return, International, district and local grants for doing good around the world.  We also help eradicate polio.


Public Relations     

Responsible for raising awareness of Leawood Rotary (website, social media, radio, tv, and circular content).  Engage the public in fundraising and service projects.  Attract community stewards to Leawood Rotary.

Club Committees 


Vocational Service   







Coordinates guest follow up, new member education, existing member operations





Social Committee   



Responsible for establishing the annual Social calendar and coordinating the events.




We organize the weekly speakers for meetings & maintain the relationship with the host restaurant. 


   Club Service